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      Für Fortgeschrittene
      B2 Englisch                         B2 Englisch                          B2 Englisch
      New Headway Upper-Intermediate,     Let's Read! – Reading and conversation  Advanced Conversation
      Lekt. 1                             Would you like to practce your reading and  Let's  talk  about  Shakespeare,  washing
      ISBN 978-3-12-605556-7              speaking skills and build up your vocabulary?  machines,  the  sound  of  music,  Sherlock
      Kurs Nr. 231-40646                  Then let's read together! At the beginning  Holmes  or  cosmetc  surgery:  These  are
      Mittwochs, 10.30 - 12.00 Uhr        of the semester, we'll select literary texts,  some  of  the  topics  we  might  discuss  in
      01.03. bis 05.07., 16 Termine       short novels, and other authentc texts to-  the  advanced  course.  You  will  practce
      Domfreihof, R. 107                  gether to practce with. We'll read together  your conversatonal English, enlarge your
      95,- EUR                            and exchange our ideas and opinions about  vocabulary  and  deepen  your  knowledge
      (Staffelgebühr: 4 TN = 166 €; 5 TN = 143 €;   the  texts,  expanding  our  vocabulary  and  of grammar. Partcipants will furthermore
      6 TN = 128 €; 7 TN = 109 €; ab 8 TN = 95 €)  revisitng grammar as needed along the way.  be free to make their own suggestons as
      Ursula Vogel / N.N.                 Kurs Nr. 231-40650                   to what they would like to talk about. We
                                          Dienstags, 19.30 - 21.00 Uhr         may, for example, read artcles from various
                                          28.02. bis 11.07., 17 Termine        English and American newspapers or watch
                                          Berufsbildende Schule - Wirtschaft, B12  and discuss TV programmes.
                                          101,- EUR                            Kurs Nr. 231-40651
                                          (Staffelgebühr: 4 TN = 177 €; 5 TN = 152 €;  Donnerstags, 19.00 - 20.30 Uhr
                                          6 TN = 136 €; 7 TN = 116 €; ab 8 TN = 101 €)  02.03. bis 13.07., 16 Termine
                                          Amanda Martha Boyce                  Domfreihof, R. 101
                                                                               95,- EUR
                                                                               (Staffelgebühr: 4 TN = 166 €; 5 TN = 143 €;
                                                                               6 TN = 128 €; 7 TN = 109 €; ab 8 TN = 95 €)
                                                                               Danyel Dean Beck

      C1 Englisch                         C1 Englisch                          C1 Englisch
      Face2Face second edition advanced,   Conversation and Revision:          The world of short stories
      ab Lekt. 5                          English-Morning-Course               Do you want to improve your English? In
      ISBN 9783125403345                  In this course we talk about a variety of  this class you will be able to enhance your
      Kurs Nr. 231-40660                  interestng  topics  (focus  on  newspaper  conversatonal  skills  by  discussing  short
                                          artcles  from  Britsh  quality  papers).  We  stories from all over the world with other
      Montags, 18.30 - 20.00 Uhr          also read and analyse literary texts (mostly  partcipants. We will also talk about news-
      27.02. bis 17.07., 16 Termine       short stories).                      paper  artcles  as  well  as  everything  else
      Berufsbildende Schule - Wirtschaft, B16  Main emphasis on reading, listening and  that catches our interest, from politcs to
      95,- EUR                            talking.  Grammar revision only if needed for  everyday life and culture.
      (Staffelgebühr: 4 TN = 166 €; 5 TN = 143 €;   the full understanding of the subject matter.                     Sprachen
      6 TN = 128 €; 7 TN = 109 €; ab 8 TN = 95 €)                              Kurs Nr. 231-40662
      Liliya Rissling                     Achtung!  –  Terminplan  Beletage  jeweils  Mittwochs, 9.00 - 10.30 Uhr
                                          aktuell beachten!                    01.03. bis 12.07., 17 Termine
                                          Kurs Nr. 231-40661                   Domfreihof, R. 107
                                          Donnerstags, 10.30 - 12.00 Uhr       101,- EUR
                                          02.03. bis 15.06., 12 Termine        (Staffelgebühr: 4 TN = 177 €; 5 TN = 152 €;
                                          Domfreihof, Beletage                 6 TN = 136 €; 7 TN = 116 €; ab 8 TN = 101 €)
                                          71,- EUR                             Ursula Vogel / N.N.
                                          (Staffelgebühr: 4 TN = 124 €; 5 TN = 107 €;
                                          6 TN = 96 €; 7 TN = 82 €; ab 8 TN = 71 €)
                                          Marlene zur Nieden

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